How To Convert BigInt To Buffer In JavaScript?

In JavaScript, BigInt is a type for representing large integers. Sometimes you might need to convert a BigInt to a Buffer for easier manipulation or storage, especially when working with binary data.

A Buffer is a raw binary data storage in Node.js. It is useful for handling binary data that comes from files, network operations, etc.

Steps to Convert BigInt to Buffer

  1. Import the Buffer Module (if needed): In Node.js, the Buffer class is available globally. If you are in a browser environment, you may need to include a polyfill.
  2. Get the Binary Representation: Use the BigInt method .toString(base) to convert the BigInt to a string representation in binary. The base for binary is 2, but if you want to store it in bytes, you typically use base 10 or 16 (hex).
  3. Create a Buffer: Use Buffer.from() to create a buffer from the binary string or its hexadecimal representation.

Example Code

Here’s a very simple example:

// Step 1: Declare a BigInt
const bigIntValue = BigInt("12345678901234567890");

// Step 2: Convert BigInt to Buffer
const buffer = Buffer.from(bigIntValue.toString(16), 'hex');

// Display the buffer

Explanation of the Example

Declare a BigInt:

const bigIntValue = BigInt(“12345678901234567890”);

This line creates a BigInt from a large integer.

Convert BigInt to Buffer:

const buffer = Buffer.from(bigIntValue.toString(16), ‘hex’);

bigIntValue.toString(16) converts the BigInt into a hexadecimal string.

Buffer.from(..., 'hex') creates a buffer interpreting the string as hexadecimal.

Display the Buffer:

Finally, console.log(buffer); shows the resulting buffer in the console.

Example with Uint8Array

If you need a Uint8Array for specific applications, you can convert the buffer as follows:

const uint8Array = new Uint8Array(buffer);


Important Points to Remember

  • Endianness: When converting, be mindful of endianness if the data is binary and you’re storing it or sending it over a network. Make sure you handle byte order according to your requirements.
  • Conversion Size: A BigInt can be very large. Ensure the resulting buffer has enough space to accommodate the binary data.
  • Browser Compatibility: Not all browser environments support Buffer natively, so use appropriate polyfills if working outside Node.js.


Converting a BigInt to a Buffer in JavaScript is straightforward. Follow the steps outlined, and you can easily convert any large integer into a binary format for your applications. Keep your conversions efficient, and be aware of the size and representation of your data.